How Prenatal (and Postpartum!) Massages Are Great for Moms and Babies Alike

You’re an expectant mom-to-be. And maybe you already know the benefits of a soothing massage from your pre-pregnancy days. But now you’re being inundated with list after list of things that you can and can’t do during your pregnancy; things that are good for your baby’s development, and things to avoid to keep your baby healthy.  

Suddenly, every part of your routine, and everything you do is in question: Is this healthy for my baby? 

Pregnancy can be a tiring job- your body is working overtime. And you deserve some pampering to relieve those aches and pains and unwind. But is massage the best way to do that? Can you get a massage while you are pregnant? Are you putting the baby at risk, or are you benefitting your baby by taking care of yourself? 

Some women experience nerve pain, especially in their sciatic nerve, during pregnancy, known as sciatica. This is a sharp pain that starts in your buttocks and can run all the way down the back of your leg. Some of this is due to weight gain and fluid retention, and also due to the pressure of the weight of your growing baby on your sciatic nerve.  

Improved Nerve Pain 

Massage therapy can address this pain through attention to the inflamed muscles around your nerves. Because massage can also help relieve some of the discomfort caused by fluid retention, this may also help your nerve pain as well. 

Regulation of Hormones 

At no other time in your life will you experience the swell of hormones like you do when you are expecting. Not just your levels of estrogen and testosterone, but also your levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) levels too.  

Women who received massage therapy during their pregnancy reported feeling less stress and anxiety in addition to the physical benefits they experienced. They produced less cortisol. These decreased levels of cortisol also meant less excessive fetal activity, and lower premature birth rates.  

Here’s the kicker: These same women also reported significantly less labor pain, and shorter labor (by an average of three full hours), with less need for medication. You can’t beat those facts; prenatal massage can help make your labor and delivery process much, much easier. 

Relieve Swelling 

During your pregnancy, the amount of plasma in your blood increases by 40% by weeks 24 to 34. This can mean all kinds of discomfort, especially uncomfortable swelling in the legs and ankles. Skilled prenatal massage can stimulate circulation and lymphatic drainage, therefore reducing swelling.  

…And SO Much More 

What else may you experience as a result of prenatal massage? 

  • Reduced back pain 
  • Less joint pain 
  • Improvements in muscle tension and headaches 
  • Better sleep (while you still can!) 

Your Positioning During a Massage 

With prenatal massage, there’s a lot to consider. You can’t apply too much pressure to your abdomen, so what’s the best position for you to be comfortable during your massage and still protect your baby?  

Maybe you’ve seen a special table with an extra hole cut into it – one for your growing bump. However, these may still apply extra unnecessary pressure to your abdomen, and may not provide enough support for you or your baby. Your abdomen can end up dangling, which can cause an uncomfortable feeling in your uterine ligaments. 

Instead, the best position for you and your baby? Laying on your side. Like sleeping, in your second and third trimester, the best position for massage is on your side.  

Laying flat on your back can cause excess strain on your body – exactly when you don’t want to place excess strain on yourself. Laying flat can place the entire weight of your baby on the main vein that carries blood into your lower body; the vena cava. That can cause a drop in blood pressure and dizziness. 

So in addition to the cozy sidelying options, I’ll prop you recliner-style with your head and torso raised up and cozy pillows under your legs to keep you and baby comfortable through the massage.  I will work with you to provide all the comfort you require. Also frequent “baby ok?” & “Mama good?” Check-ins.  

Talk to Your Doctor 

As with anything else during your pregnancy, you should always consult your OB/GYN about your plans to get a massage. Your doctor may advise against massage if you have a high-risk pregnancy, or if you have preeclampsia or high blood pressure, and your massage therapist will want to know of any concerns or limitations your doctor may have. 

Additional reasons to talk to your doctor before booking an appointment for a massage: 

  • Previous pre-term, early labor 
  • Severe swelling or sudden headaches 
  • Pregnancy-induced hypertension 

Other than speaking with your doctor though, are there any other limitations for prenatal massage? Believe it or not, no! Some may tell you to avoid too much massage on your feet or ankles, claiming this will bring on labor. This may be because of reflexology’s connection between the feet, and the ovaries and uterus.  

However, pushing on these areas isn’t going to start contractions. If this were the case, think of how many more overdue women would just get a foot massage instead of being induced in a hospital.  

Once you have the okay from your doctor? You’re good to go! 

Postpartum Massage 

Why should you make time for postpartum massage therapy? You may be tired, entirely focused on caring for your new baby, and you may not feel like even showering to get out of the house in the first few weeks after giving birth. But it’s worth the effort! 

Benefits For You: Massage is well-known for its benefits for stress and anxiety relief, but did you know that massage can help treat postpartum depression? Massage can also ease fatigue, and alleviate residual body aches in your abdomen, hips, shoulders, and legs, and can even help you heal after a C-section.  

You may also find reduced swelling and better sleep, as well as improved breastfeeding and hormone regulation. It is an ideal, holistic way to cope with the major adjustment you are making when you enter the realm of motherhood. 

Benefits For Your Baby: If you have chosen to breastfeed your baby, you know it can be a great gift, and a major stressor, all at once. However, relaxation in the shoulders through massage can improve your circulation and milk production. Some studies have also shown massage boosts levels of prolactin, a lactation hormone.  

Additionally, your baby has a mother who is happier, calmer, and less stressed. And what could be a better gift for the two of you than the gift of serenity? 

You can get a massage after birth as soon as you are comfortable doing so. You may find that you have to adjust your positioning to find the right position for you. Laying on your stomach may not be comfortable if you are nursing, but laying on your side may be a great way to focus on healing discomfort in your hips, legs, and shoulders.  (Newborns are welcome to join in the massage experience-another blog for another time) 

Pregnancy is no joke. It can be one of the most profound experiences in a parent’s life. And it can also be an extreme physical challenge. But with massage, it can be a little easier, and you can focus a little more on the profound experience part.  

Ready to book your prenatal massage? Schedule today! 

Love & Light


How Prenatal (and Postpartum!) Massages Are Great for Moms and Babies Alike

Ways to Treat Yourself (That Don’t Involve Money or Food)

It’s not hard to think up great ways to treat yourself. We’d all love a spa day topped off with a meal prepared and served by someone else. Maybe get a sitter for the night, so the little angels are asleep when we get home. Or just a morning where the cat doesn’t wake you up by sitting on your windpipe. 

But for every article about self care, I roll my eyes at least 12 times and think “Who can afford that?”  Yes, it would be great to have an afternoon to myself and a bucket of fried chicken and a cookie dough chaser. But that’s not particularly healthy. 

I’m all about realistic self care. That is, activities that aren’t expensive, don’t involve food, and will make you feel good about how you spent that time. Here’s a list of my favorites (bonus: most of these you can do with kids). 

Meditate, the easy way 

If you’re the kind of person who can’t sleep during the day, napping can be  more like torture. But guided meditation is a whole other story. It gives your mind something (easy) to do so the rest of you can relax a bit. There are plenty of free guided meditations online. Check out the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center website and the free version of the Headspace app, which has plenty of options to get you started.  

Read a book 

When was the last time you read for pleasure? Even if you can’t get to your library, there are plenty of free ebooks on Amazon, and your local library may have a free online borrowing program. Or reread some of your favorite books from childhood if you have them hanging around. 

Learn something 

If you choose the topic right, learning is great self-care. Pick a topic for FUN. Don’t feel like you need to learn something pertinent to your work or a current hobby.  Check out CourseraMIT or Harvard to start. My favorite is Edx

Get creative! Draw, paint, sew etc  

Bust out a piece for paper and draw something. Even if you don’t have fancy pencils or crayons or markers, you can play with shading and pressure and make something cool. There are plenty of free coloring pages you can download and print out. Pull out the old paints. Dust off the sewing machine- work on some cute baby blankets.  

YouTube Karaoke (who doesn’t like to sing?) 

For nearly every song out there, there’s a karaoke accompaniment channel on YouTube. For reals. Crank it up and let ‘er rip. You’re a stress-free superstar now.  My first ever Karaoke was a duet with my BFF, “Girls just wanna have fun.” by Cyndi Lauper. Now you might catch me singing “Toxicity” by System of a Down or Journey can’t go wrong with ‘just a small town girl, in a lonely world.’

And when all else fails: Nap 

Put your jammies on and take a nap. In your bed. Not all jammed up on the couch with the TV on. Close the shades in your bedroom and hunker down for a proper sleep. 

There. You don’t have to spend money or fill your belly to feel great and treat yourself well! 

Ways to Treat Yourself (That Don’t Involve Money or Food)

It’s Not Your Muscles. It’s Your Fascia

We’ve all experienced body pain and stiffness. And we often attribute it to creaky joints or “tight” muscles.  

And maybe you do a quick stretch or take a collagen supplement, but you can’t quite seem to get at it. 

What if I told you that the main source of that stiffness, achiness, and lack of flexibility could be from a body part you never knew existed? 


It is believed that fascia contains approximately six times as many sensory nerves as muscle tissue. No wonder you are in pain! 

So what exactly is fascia and how can you reduce discomfort caused by it? 

What is fascia? 

Fascia is connective tissue that forms a web around all of your internal “stuff”. It surrounds your bones, vessels, muscles, nerves, and organs. It basically connects all of our internal structures together – kind of like a three-dimensional flexible scaffolding inside our bodies. It helps to transfer energy across structures and helps to transform the work of our muscles into smooth movement. 

Fascia should be supple and flexible while still maintaining structure. Think of it like a giant sheet of thin rubbery material – flexible enough to take on the shape of whatever it surrounds, but strong enough to maintain its integrity. It’s the Elastigirl of your insides. Okay, not really, but it’s a fun analogy. 

Fascia stretches and moves….until it doesn’t. Sometimes fascia thickens or gets stuck and that translates into stiffness, lack of flexibility, and even pain.  If you can recall my analogy with saran wrap around individual hotdogs? Saran wrap once around those hot dogs it loses its smoothness.

What causes “tight” fascia? 

Fascia can stick – both to itself as well as to the material it surrounds. It can stick to surrounding structures or you might feel little knots or bumps. This can be caused by a number of factors. 

  • Repetitive movement. Do the same thing over and over again such as running or cycling?  
  • Too little movement. Sit at a desk or in a car all day every day and don’t take your body through full range of motion?  
  • Trauma. Injury of any kind (including surgery) can also result in fascial adhesions. 

Fascia and movement 

Fascia helps us to move smoothly and effectively by connecting all of our internal structures together. It allows muscles to move, nerves and vessels to slide between joints, and organs to shift and move as influenced by the body

Fascia enables the transfer of energy and the distribution of tension so our movements are smooth and coordinated. 

Fascia and emotions 

Something that may surprise you is how fascia is tied to emotions.  

Because of the high number of nerves throughout the fascia, dysfunction in the fascia can result in emotional changes as well as physical discomfort.  

Have you ever felt weepy while experiencing widespread achiness? Me too. 

Fascial pain can lead to emotional changes which can lead to further postural changes (the way you slump forward when you don’t feel great). So reducing physical pain can help improve emotional aspects of pain as well. 

Is it fascia pain? 

Typically when there is a dysfunction in a muscle, you will experience pain with a specific movement. If you hurt your bicep, pain occurs when you use that bicep. 

But with fascia pain, your discomfort usually isn’t triggered by a specific movement. Widespread achiness and stiffness is a common complaint. Some people even complain that their skin hurts or experience more intense pain across one area of their body. 

With myofascial pain syndrome, fascial adhesions can worsen over time and develop into trigger points. 

Unlike with muscle injury, gentle movement often decreases fascial pain and improves range of motion. 

Ways to reduce fascia pain 


Applying heat to an area of fascial pain helps to restore elasticity allowing you to stretch and move more effectively. So get in that tub or sauna! 

Move more 

Stretching, especially full-body movement like gentle yoga, manipulates the fascia and helps to reduce pain and stiffness. The key is to move the area in all directions. Be sure to twist and bend and stretch in as many directions as possible and hold those positions for extended periods to allow the fascia to release. 


Massage therapy provides targeted treatment in specific areas and allows you to address an issue more comprehensively by generating heat, calming the nervous system, and treating muscle and fascia issues simultaneously.  

Massage therapy can also address any trigger points you may have, since trigger points are often hard to self-treat. 


We all experience pain and stiffness from time to time. If chronic achiness and stiffness has been troubling you, a consistent program of heat, movement, and bodywork can be enormously effective at reducing discomfort and improving performance. 

Much love and light


It’s Not Your Muscles. It’s Your Fascia

Forearms- YES, those are muscles too!

 It started with a twinge. You know, that sensation between a tickle and a tingle. 

Then it progressed to an ache. And then a throb. 

And now it hurts every time you try to type (which, let’s be honest, is all day long) or hold your coffee mug. 

For such small muscles, forearm injury can pack a real punch (pun intended, thank you) because they are integral to even the most basic everyday activities. 

So let’s break down this mighty group of muscles and learn what they do and how to keep them healthy and pain free. 

What do forearms do? 

The forearm is the lower arm, or the area of your arm between the wrist and elbow. 

Forearm muscles start just above the elbow and cross the elbow, wrist, and finger joints. These long, thin muscles allow you to bend and straighten your wrist, rotate your palms face up and face down, bend and straighten your elbow, and grip stuff. 

Forearms come into play with an endless array of daily activities such as (but not limited to): 

  • Grasping and turning a doorknob 
  • Opening a jar 
  • Holding a glass 
  • Fist bumping 
  • Arm wrestling 
  • Giving a thumbs-up 
  • Typing on a computer keyboard  
  • Playing golf or tennis 
  • Performing push ups, pullups, and holding on to any type of weight 

What are the forearm muscles? 

Muscles of the forearm can be grouped into two categories: flexors and extensors. These muscles affect the elbow, wrist, and fingers, so there’s a lot going on. 

For such a small area of the body, the list of specific muscles gets pretty long (19 or 20, depending on who you ask!) and there’s a lot of Latin, so I’ll spare you the specifics. But if you want to go down that rabbit hole, is a great anatomy resource 

Forearm flexors 

Flexors do just that: they flex a joint (or decrease the angle). Bending your elbow, bending your wrist, and closing your hand are all flexing movements. 

Forearm flexors can also move the wrist side to side and turn your palms face down. 

Forearm extensors 

Like with the flexors, there will not be a quiz on the specific muscle names. The important thing to know is that these muscles extend (or straighten) the elbow, wrist, and fingers.  

Forearm extensors can also move the wrist side to side and turn your palms face up. 

Types of forearm pain 

Forearm pain can be the result of an injury or overuse. Some of the most common forearm pain conditions are: 

  • Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) 
  • Golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis) 
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome 
  • Trigger points 
  • Repetitive stress 
  • Arthritis 

Most forearm pain develops over time, and pain can range from sharp and shooting to a dull ache or throb. 

Common treatments for forearm pain 

As always, the type of treatment depends on the exact cause of the pain. You should see a doctor if you’ve experienced a trauma, don’t know the source of your pain, or your pain is worsening over time. 

The good news is that most forearm pain can be successfully treated through behavior modification and some simple remedies. 

The most common treatments for forearm pain are: 

  • Rest 
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs  
  • Ice  
  • Exercise and stretches 

In cases of something like tennis elbow or carpal tunnel syndrome, physical therapy can be very useful to strengthen underused muscles or modify movements to avoid further injury. 

Forearm stretches and exercises 

Many people underestimate the value of stretching your forearms. But you can easily perform these stretches throughout the day while working at your desk, or even in the evening while watching TV. Regular gentle stretching can help ease forearm pain in a very short period of time. 

As with any stretching protocol, maintain a pain free range of motion. You want to feel a sensation and be able to take slow even breaths throughout the stretch. If you experience pain or have to hold your breath, back off. 

Wrist circles 

Making a loose fist, rotate your wrist 10 times in one direction, then 10 times in the other direction. 

Wrist extensor stretch 

Extend your right arm in front of you with the palm facing down. Using your left hand, gently continue to bend the wrist. Hold 10 seconds. You should feel the stretch along the top of your forearm. 

Repeat on the left side. 

Wrist flexor stretch 

Extend your right arm in front of you with the palm facing up. Using your left hand, gently bend the hand and fingers of your right hand back toward you. Hold 10 seconds. You should feel the stretch along the front of your forearm. 

Repeat on the left side. 

Can massage help forearm pain? 

Massage is extremely useful in reducing forearm pain and helping to keep you pain free over time. While you can massage your own forearms, it can create more stress on the working muscles as you try to access hard-to-reach areas or grip using muscles that are already irritated. 

Massage therapy to the forearms can improve circulation which can help reduce inflammation. It’s also best for a licensed massage therapist to help assess and treat trigger points that might be contributing to your pain.  

During your massage treatment, passive stretching through your range of motion can also be critical to helping you feel good again – not to mention it feels great. 

Experiencing forearm pain? 

Want to reduce your forearm pain? I’d love to help. So use those forearm muscles to click here and set up an appointment. 

Forearms- YES, those are muscles too!

Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with Massage

When you think of massage therapy, what comes to mind? Perhaps you consider those aches and pains in your shoulders and neck, or maybe your sore, tired, or swollen legs, or even a way you can cope with excess stress. 

However, the therapeutic nature of massage therapy extends far beyond just relieving stiff muscles or alleviating stress and anxiety.

You can actually ease the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome with massage therapy. 

So what exactly is carpal tunnel syndrome? Why do certain people develop carpal tunnel syndrome? And how does massage therapy improve your life if you are dealing with the pain and discomfort of carpal tunnel? 

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a fairly common condition that affects the hand and wrist. It causes pain, numbness, tingling and weakness. This happens when there is an increase in pressure in the wrist, which compresses a nerve known as the median nerve, which runs through the wrist.  

This median nerve is what allows your thumb, middle finger, index finger and even part of your ring finger to sense things and receive impulses from the brain and nervous system. While it does not affect your small “pinky” finger, carpal tunnel syndrome impacts much of the hand, and beyond the pain and discomfort it causes, it can impact your work and personal life too.

Carpal tunnel syndrome affects as many as 10 million Americans, and while it’s very treatable, many suggested remedies include surgery, painkillers and splints, which are temporary fixes and highly invasive or mask the problem rather than dealing with it. 

With carpal tunnel syndrome, not only do you lose range of mobility, but as a result of the pain and stiffness, muscles in the hand and thumb begin to atrophy, and basic skills become harder and harder to accomplish.

What Is the Carpal Tunnel?

Your carpal tunnel is a small pathway through which the median nerve and several tendons run from your wrist to your hand. It helps connect the hand to the forearm. Think of it as a railway tunnel, and the median nerve and tendons are the train tracks that run through it. When the tunnel is compressed or experiences pressure, it can affect the railroad tracks that run through it.

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

There are a few other, similar conditions that may be confused with carpal tunnel syndrome. So how do you know if it’s actually carpal tunnel syndrome? Here are a few signs to watch for:

● Hand and wrist pain

● A burning sensation located in the middle and index fingers

● Numbness in the thumb and fingers

● A sensation like an electric shock that runs through the wrist and hand

● Insensitivity to heat and cold

Who Is at Risk of Developing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

There is a common misconception that only factory workers who perform repetitive motions for hours each day or office workers who spend hours typing at their desks can get carpal tunnel. 

The truth?

It can affect anyone who uses their hand or wrist over and over again in the same way and can be caused by work or play. In fact, you can develop carpal tunnel syndrome from playing video games.

So who is at a higher risk for developing carpal tunnel syndrome?

● Women are three times more likely to develop carpal tunnel syndrome than men, probably because their carpal tunnels are narrower.

● People with diabetes or other metabolic disorders that affect the body’s nerves have more likelihood of compression

.● Adults over the age of 20 also are at higher risk.

Other important things to know? It is especially common in people who work with their hands: those performing assembly line work (because of the repetitive nature of the work), those in the manufacturing business, those who sew or spend a lot of time with tools like hammers or wrenches, and those in the meat, fish and poultry packing business.

How Massage Therapy Can Help

Carpal tunnel syndrome can require many different kinds of treatment, including surgery, to address the pain and numbness.  Massage therapy is a highly effective method for dealing with carpal tunnel syndrome. There is a significant, measurable change in symptoms and severity for those who received massage therapy for their carpal tunnel syndrome. 

And it’s non-invasive and cost-effective and will get you back to work (or play) in no time.

Through our work together in massage therapy sessions, I can apply techniques to help break down any existing scar tissue, release compression in your carpal tunnel and median nerve, and restore elasticity and strength to your wrist, fingers and hand. 

Massage therapy sessions also can work to reduce friction in areas that are inflamed—areas with chronic compression or pain. 

My work is focused on alleviating these issues that come along with carpal tunnel syndrome. Massage therapy is there to lessen your symptoms, ease your pain and increase your grip strength all at once, without surgery or painkillers.

Don’t let your issues with carpal tunnel stand between you and the rest of your life. Let me help you discover a non-invasive, therapeutic approach to lifting your carpal tunnel-related pain, discomfort and numbness.

Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with Massage

Calf Muscles 101: What You Need to Know

It’s a beautiful day on the tennis court. You’re up 45-15, and the ball comes sailing across the net, perfectly aimed for you to return the shot. You gracefully (of course) lunge to the right to return the ball and…..feel searing pain in your lower leg. Calf muscles. We all have shapely bits of flesh tacked onto our lower legs, and maybe some of you even spend time in the gym sculpting them into a more pleasing form. But what do the calves DO, why do they hurt so much sometimes, and how can we treat calf injury and prevent problems from recurring?

What are the calf muscles?

Calf muscles are certainly not the largest muscles in our body. But they manipulate two joints and keep us standing, walking, running, jumping, and dancing. It’s a tall order for a seemingly small group of muscles. Our legs and feet take a beating every day, and calf injury and dysfunction is common and can keep us laid up for extended periods.

But exactly what makes up our calves?

Calf anatomy The calf is the back portion of the lower leg and consists of three main structures:

Gastrocnemius muscle – This is the muscle we think of when we think about the calf. It’s the larger muscle on the back of the lower leg that provides the rounded shape.

Soleus muscle – Soleus is a flat muscle (shaped like a fillet of sole) located beneath the gastroc.

Achilles tendon – The gastroc and soleus merge together and transition into the achilles tendon. The achilles tendon then attaches to the main heel bone.

Why is it called the calf?

If you are at all like me, you’re not thinking, “That’s interesting. Thanks for the information.” Instead you’re thinking “Where the heck does it get its name, then, if none of the structures that make it up have the word “calf” in it?”

Full disclosure…I had to look this up, but still couldn’t find a definitive answer. Apparently, the word “calf,” in reference to the back of the lower leg, appears as far back as the 14th century and is derived from the Old Norse “kalfi” and possibly related to the Irish Gaelic word “calpa.” As to why it’s called a calf, there doesn’t seem to be a consensus.

Some argue that the shape of the muscle resembles a young calf (the animal). Another idea is that it’s related to being a separate, smaller version of a whole (akin to an iceberg broken off of a glacier). How’s that for a non-specific answer? Moving on…

Affected joints

Calf muscles cross both the knee and ankle joints.

Gastroc starts above the knee joint and ends at the achilles. It affects the knee (bends the knee) and ankle (lifts the heel).

Soleus starts on the lower leg and ends at the achilles. It affects the ankle (lifts the heel).

The achilles tendon is the largest and strongest tendon in the body and connects the calf muscles to the foot so we can walk (and jump, and dance, and run). It transfers all the power of the calf muscles to the foot.

Types of calf pain

Pain in the calf can range from dull soreness to constant throbbing to sharp and searing depending on the cause.

Calf injuries are very common and can be a result of accident, injury, overuse, or other medical reasons. But injuries aren’t limited to sports-related activity or accidents. Tight calves due to lack of stretching can also cause a large amount of discomfort and affect our ability to do the things we like to do!

Common calf injuries

Sometimes, calf pain is the result of a problem with the muscle or tendon itself, and other times calf pain is a side effect of another problem.

Muscle/tendon injuries

  • Calf strain
  • Plantar fasciitis (pain in the bottom of the foot)
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Charley horse/cramp
  • Bruise/trauma

Non muscular causes of calf pain

  • Blood clot
  • Baker’s cyst
  • Arthritis
  • Nerve pain

When should I see a doctor for calf pain?

Seek medical attention if there was no obvious event that caused your pain or you do not know the recommended treatment. Sudden onset of pain without warning or unusual symptoms is always a cause for concern.

Some medical conditions like diabetes or cancer can cause calf pain, so always contact your doctor if symptoms begin or increase without warning.

Calf pain treatment

Obviously, the most effective treatment for calf pain depends on the reason. But let’s talk about common treatments for the muscle/tendon injuries we discussed above.


The first (and often very effective, not to mention cheap!) treatment for almost any injury is to rest the area. Don’t use the muscle and allow time for the inflammation to subside. A rest period may also include ice, elevation, or a therapy tool like a boot depending on the nature of the injury.


Calf muscles are typically over stressed and under stretched. Along with massage, daily stretching can help to provide big relief! The good news is that stretching your calves only takes a few minutes and can be done while watching TV or waiting for the coffee to finish brewing.

Massage therapy

If you suffer from consistently tight or sore calf muscles, stretching alone often isn’t enough to keep it at bay. In addition to stretching, you can use a stick roller or foam roller to massage your calves. But often the most effective approach is treatment by a massage therapist. I’ll be able to get at the muscles from all angles as well as release tension in the surrounding leg muscles. I can often do this in a much less painful and more relaxing way than if you used a foam roller. This means a more balanced treatment and longer-lasting relief.

Physical therapy

PT is often appropriate for severe issues like an achilles tendon tear or chronic sports-related issues. Physical therapy can help identify patterns of weakness or overcompensation and teach you more productive patterns of movement so you can avoid injury in the future. Massage therapy is often used in conjunction with physical therapy to help address surrounding tightness and help to move inflammation out of the affected area.

Need help with calf pain?

I’d love to help you manage that pesky calf pain and get you back in the swing of things again pain free. Set it up here .

Calf Muscles 101: What You Need to Know

What to Expect for Your First Massage

A massage is intended to be a calm and relaxing experience. But if it’s your first massage, you may feel a little trepidation. Don’t let that hold you back. With a little information about what to expect, you’ll walk into your first massage feeling like a confident pro!

Expect Communication

Expect a lot of questions at your first massage appointment. I’ll need to know a little bit about your health history and what your goals are for that session. Upon booking your first session you will be directed to fill out an Intake form. Your clear and honest answers will help perform the best massage possible for you.

We’ll talk about why you’re coming in for a massage and what your goals are for the session. Are you having pain? Do you need to relax?

I’ll show you the massage room and walk you through the process. We’ll decide what to prioritize and how you should lay on the table (face up or face down, or on your side) before the massage.

Expect to Dress or Undress to Your Level of Comfort

What does that mean exactly? Many people worry about having to be undressed for their massage.

Most massage techniques are traditionally performed with the client unclothed; however, what you wear is entirely up to you. Simply put: you can leave your underwear on or take them off.

I’ll leave the room so you may undress, get on the massage table (it’s super-cozy), and get comfortable under the draping sheet & blanket.

Movies and TV shows always show massage clients naked on a table with just a tiny towel for draping. That’s not what real massage draping looks like! I use sheets that cover your whole body. You’ll stay covered throughout the massage, I’ll only undrape the part of your body that I am massaging right then.

Expect More Communication

When I come back into the room, I’ll help you get comfortable with pillows or bolsters. Don’t be afraid to adjust and fidget as needed during the massage to stay cozy.

It’s great if you can let your body relax and sink into the table. If I need to move your arms or legs, etc, I’ll do the work! This takes practice, you’ll probably try to help me. I’ll remind you. With a little wiggle or a calm deep breathe.

It’s really important for you to tell me if any massage techniques I use cause pain. Pain is not okay. There may be a certain level of discomfort and ‘good ache’ if we’re working on a problem area. It’s important that you tell me about that, too, so we can tailor the massage to be most effective without causing injury.

I’ll check in with you as we go, but please speak up if you become too warm or too cool, if you are not comfortable on the table, or need another pillow, or if you just hate the music!

I’ll tell you when the massage is over and leave the room so you can slowly get up and dressed. All I ask is just open the door for me when you are dressed and ready.

Expect Some Final Instructions

You should expect to feel mellow and relaxed after your massage. We’ll talk about how you feel and I may show you some self care stretches or share some tips to keep you feeling great between appointments. We can also talk about how frequently you may want to get massage to keep on feeling great.

If we addressed pain issues, you may immediately feel a reduction in pain, or it may take a day or two before you feel that relief.

You can make the most of your first massage by knowing what to expect and asking all the questions you like so you can feel cozy before, during and after the massage. See you at your first massage! Can’t wait to meet you!

Love and Light,


What to Expect for Your First Massage

Why Your Hands (and Forearms) Need Massage

Gripping a steering wheel. Working a trackpad or mouse. Hovering over keyboards. And stoves. And laundry. You get it.

We put our hands and forearms through an awful lot of stress every day. Squeezing and clenching and buckling and writing. All of it. And yet, when I start to massage a hand and forearm, I often hear, “Oh! I had no idea my arms were so sore!” It’s a common surprise, but not really a surprise.

They get sore. And when they get really overworked, we end up with carpal tunnel, tendonitis, trigger finger and a whole host of other issues.

The upside here: it’s pretty easy to massage your own hands and forearms.

Here’s how:

Start at the top. Using the opposite hand, gently squeeze the meaty, fleshy areas just below your elbow. Squeeze on the inside of your arm then on the outside. Gently is the key here, don’t be jamming your thumb in there hard and causing pain. It should feel good, and if it doesn’t, back off a bit.

If you want to get fancy, roll the wrist around and wiggle the fingers as you squeeze. Do that light squeezing all the way down to the wrist, and do this a few times, up and down the forearm to cover all the territory there.

Then move to the hand, using a light pincer grip, squeeze that meaty area at the base of your thumb. Lightly squeeze up and down all those finger bones through the palm, and up each finger. When you find a good spot, stick around it for an extra minute.

Whatever feels good to you is just fine. Then, switch hands and do it again on the other arm! Better yet, find a buddy and massage each other’s arms and hands.

If you’ve got carpal tunnel or tendonitis, or just achiness and pain that you can’t figure out, you may need even more attention to keep those issues at bay. For this, I suggest you see a massage therapist. Yup. That’s me. I can work on those issues, and teach you some self care techniques to practice at home, too.

Love and light!


Why Your Hands (and Forearms) Need Massage

5 Tips for Surviving the Holidays

5 Tips for Surviving the Holidays

The holidays are kinda weird. For all the ‘Most Wonderful Time of the Year’ jingles, it’s also the toughest for many people. Some people over-commit to family, friends, volunteer tasks and find themselves over scheduled and unable to actually enjoy the season. Some of us dread the inevitable, obligatory socializing and the pressure of being ‘on’. Some of us are grieving.

So here are a few less-typical Holiday Survival Tips. Some of them are brilliant. Some of them are not. But maybe you’ll find a nugget in here.

Ditch obligations

Just because you’ve always gone to Aunt Sue’s for Christmas Eve doesn’t mean you always have to. You can stop going.

Say, “I’m starting a new tradition this year, I’m really looking forward to cooking with my kids and having a quiet family night.” Then set up another time to visit Aunt Sue when you’ll actually be able to visit her, instead of just a hug between appetizers while stuffed into a small house with 30 loud relatives.

Reframe obligations

When I hear people complain about all the ‘stuff’ they have to do, I usually say, “Dude. Stop doing it.” The typical reply is, “Oh, but I really like having 37 different types of cookies and seeing all my 3rd cousins!” Cool. I can respect that. But stop looking at (and speaking of) the tasks and events like chores.

This isn’t a martyr contest. Nobody gives a darn that Betty SUV Soccer Mom makes her bundt cake from scratch and you use a mix. Except Betty, and that’s her issue. Do stuff because you want to, because it brings you joy. And quit doing the stuff you don’t want to do.

Stick with the people who warm your soul

Some of us are not close with our families. For many, many people, family relationships are rarely nourishing and often painful. We’ve built friendships that stand in for the sibling and parental relationships that will simply never be fulfilling.

So why feel obligated to spend a holiday with anyone other than those who bring us joy and unconditional love? Create a holiday plan with the people you most enjoy and cherish. or at the very least, an escape plan to unwind with the people who will let you vent after a stressful family interaction.

Step back from the gift-giving (and receiving) or just change it dramatically

Do you really want another gift set of perfumey bath gel and body lotion? Do you really want to be giving that to someone else? Blech. Maybe it’s time to reexamine your gift-giving habits. Instead of exchanging gifts with your adult friends and family, can you decide to spend that money having a great dinner together in January?

If you feel really attached to giving a tangible object, can you simplify the process? Find one universal gft, and give it to all your people. A jar of local honey from you favorite apiary, a holiday ornament purchased from a local charity.

Rethink your assumptions

Just because you’ve always done the holidays a certain way, doesn’t mean you have to keep doing that. It’s all a choice. Sometimes you don’t even need to change the pattern, just recognizing that it’s a choice is enough.

What changes have you made to improve your holiday season? Help a sister out and share in the comments!

Wishing you a happy, merry, joyous whatever-you-celebrate. I hope you get exactly the holiday you want (and deserve).

Love and light!

5 Tips for Surviving the Holidays

Stop headaches before they start!!


June is Migraine and Headache Awareness Month and we are going to jump right in and look at some ways to stop the pain before it starts. Are you ready? Let’s go.


Avoid triggers

If certain foods or scents have triggered headaches in the past, it could be time to make a note of them and avoid them at all costs. Things like caffeine, cigarette smoke, and bright lights can be a big culprit in spurring on pain, but it doesn’t have to be that obvious. Perfumes, loud noises, flowers, and even lunch meat have the power to make you miserable.


Workout often

Exercising on a regular basis reduces tension and can help prevent headaches. Choose something you enjoy doing – walking, biking, kayaking, hiking, etc. – and follow the proper guidelines for the exercise you’re engaging in. That means stretching and warming up slowly. And don’t forget proper hydration.


Bonus: It is also said that obesity can be a factor in triggering migraines, so exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight or lose excess pounds.


Eat and sleep regularly

Lack of sleep and skipping meals can aggravate symptoms for the migraine sufferer. Make sure you are getting enough fluids and are eating meals at regular times. Lack of sleep (or even getting too much sleep) will also aggravate symptoms, so implement routine and stick to it.


Control stress

Stress. Stress. Stress. It happens. Sometimes it’s hard to avoid. The only thing we can change is our response to it. Learn techniques to reduce stress levels like breathing, yoga and meditation. You can also combat stress with a massage, a long walk, a hot shower, or whatever you need to do to take the edge off.



Essential Oils are a wonderful tool to reduce the pain associated with headaches. Personally I have had migraines in the past, this was when I was first introduced to EO’s as a medicine versus aroma/perfume. Currently I have found that using a Peppermint inhalant helps to reduce the pain.   **please note: be sure that the oils you are using are from a trusted source. Any questions I will be happy to direct you**
According to the Migraine Research Foundation, nearly 36 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches. Acknowledging the triggers and patterns surrounding your migraine episodes will help you figure out what’s causing them and minimize your chances of experiencing headache pain.


Love & Light!


Stop headaches before they start!!